About Dr. Mercola
Optimize Your Emotional Health with This Therapeutic Psychological Tool – Meridian Tapping Technique
Welcome to EFT.Mercola.com
I am Dr. Joseph Mercola, an osteopathic physician (DO) and natural health practitioner. For many years, my goal has been geared towards helping people improve their personal health. To make this possible, I have created Mercola.com, a web site that supplies up to date health news and information to 1.7 million subscribers all over the world.
As I explore and go deeper into the various wellness issues that confront us every day, I have found that emotional health is an important component to a person’s physical wellbeing. This aspect, unfortunately, rarely gets the attention it deserves. So, to facilitate your understanding of it, this website offers information on how to naturally alleviate your emotional stress.
Meridian Tapping Technique (MTT), a psychological acupressure technique I have been recommending to my patients and using in my practice, is the primary focus of this website. It shows how the tapping of one’s fingertips inputs kinetic energy onto specific meridians on your head and chest to provide emotional relief and physical healing benefits for you and your family. Simply refer to the article and forum sections for more information on MTT and the procedures you can do to help you break free from negative emotions and noxious feelings that are dragging your life down.
Read through this site and discover how MTT can aid you and your family towards a positive emotional as well as physical state that will reduce your risk of disease.
Other Information about Dr. Mercola
Dr. Mercola is a New York Times best-selling author. He has been featured in TIME magazine, Fox News and Today’s Show, and many other major media resources. In November 2009, Huffington Post has named him the Top Ultimate Wellness Game Changer, an honor that pays tribute to “100 innovators, visionaries and leaders, who are harnessing the power of new media” to make a difference in the world.